1746 US HIGHWAY 171 STONEWALL, LOUISIANA 71078: SEPTEMBER 26, 2024, 6:00 P.M.
The Stonewall Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Commission met with 35 visitors. The members present were Charles Watson, Jeanene Sanders-Wiggins, John Alvarez, Pat Jones, Josh Black, and John Cristler. Mayor Ken Kaffka, Town Attorney Josh Chevallier, and Attorney Dakota Hawkins were also present. P&Z Member Wayne Chriss was absent.
Motion to dispense with the reading of August 15, 2024, minutes and adoption was made by P&Z Member Pat Jones and seconded by P&Z Member John Alvarez. 6 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Multiple residents gave comments regarding the rezone of 47 acres to SG-O District and the request to approve Town Square of Stonewall Subdivision that includes the Christmas Park.
a) Request a rezone of 47 acres in Section 32, T15N-R14W, DeSoto Parish, Louisiana to SG-O District. The property is located at Huckleberry Private Drive on Highway 171. Discussion followed. P&Z Member Jeanene Sanders-Wiggins made a motion to table, seconded by P&Z Member Josh Black. 6 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried.
b) Review and recommend a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the Town Council. Discussion followed. P&Z Member Pat Jones made a motion to recommend the amendment to the Town Council, seconded by P&Z Member John Cristler. 6 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried.
c) Request approval for Town Square of Stonewall subdivision plat and construction plans that includes the Christmas Park. Discussion followed. It was noted that any permanent building structures visible from Highway 3276 would abide by the Town building standards, all Christmas Park traffic must use Highway 3276 entrance/exit only and no traffic will be permitted to enter or exit using the Pine Grove Road exit while the Christmas Park is open and operational, and Phase 2 construction will include an exit only on the East side of the property. P&Z Member Jeanene Wiggins made a motion to approve, seconded by P&Z Member John Alvarez. 6 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried.
d) Consideration of building standards.
- New Fellowship Hall for North DeSoto Church of God. A request for a variance of the building standards was requested, and the Pastor of the Church requested that the new building has the same exterior design as the current building. Discussion followed. P&Z Member Pat Jones made a motion to approve the exterior design, seconded by P&Z Member Josh Black. 6 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried.
- New Construction for Harp’s. A request for a variance on the number of parking spaces was requested. Ms. Hopper, a representative for Harp’s requested that the store only be required to have 90 parking spaces. Discussion followed. P&Z Member Jeanene Sanders-Wiggins made a motion to approve the exterior design and variance on parking spaces, seconded by P&Z Member Josh Black. 6 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by P&Z member John Alvarez, seconded by P&Z member John Cristler. 6 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned: 7:37 pm
Signature on File Signature on File
Charles Watson, Chairman Shree’ Young, Town Clerk