MARCH 12, 2024, 6:30 P.M.
The Stonewall Town Council met during a regular session with 5 visitors. A roll call was taken, Council members present were Robert Baker, Margaret Dickerson, Eric Runge, Brandon Garsee, and Don Crosslin. Mayor Ken Kaffka was also present. Prayer was led by Council member Don Crosslin. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council member Margaret Dickerson.
MINUTES: A motion to approve February 13, 2024, regular meeting minutes was made by Council member Margaret Dickerson, seconded by Council member Robert Baker. 5 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
(a) ROADS: None.
(b) BUDGET COMPARISON: Budget Comparison for July 1, 2023, through February 29, 2024, was reviewed and discussed. Council member Margaret Dickerson made a motion to accept as printed, seconded by Council member Robert Baker. 5 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
(c) OTHER: None.
(d) GRANTS: None.
(e) PARK: Council member Brandon Garsee mentioned that he received a message regarding the women’s restroom not having soap and the soap dispenser missing from the men’s restroom.
a) Request an appeal to the decision of the Planning & Zoning Commission regarding a request for a variance to build three commercial structures on less than three acres in the commercial portion of Plantation Hills subdivision. Discussion followed. Council member Brandon Garsee made a motion to approve the variance to allow the three buildings on less than 3 acres in the commercial portion of Plantation Hills Subdivision, seconded by Council member Eric Runge. 5 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
b) David Wilkinson, North DeSoto Water System Engineer, to request to acquire property from the Town of Stonewall to construct a new ground storage tank at the Curtis McCune, Jr. Community Park. Discussion followed. Council member Robert Baker made a motion to allow the North DeSoto Water System to acquire property at the Curtis McCune, Jr. Community Park, seconded by Council member Eric Runge. 5 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
c) Recommend approving payment to Mr. Dyson to purchase Stanley Road right-of-way. Discussion followed. Council member Brandon Garsee made a motion to approve the purchase, seconded by Council member Don Crosslin. 5 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
d) Recommend approving the Mayor to purchase a Four Ton Asphalt Hot Box through a cooperative purchasing agreement with Rapides Parish for $67,000.00 from Covington Sales & Service, Inc. once approved by Rapides Parish. Discussion followed. Council member Brandon Garsee made a motion to approve the purchase, seconded by Council member Eric Runge. 5 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Council Member Robert Baker made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Eric Runge. 5 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned: 6:52 pm
Signature on File Signature on File Ken Kaffka, Mayor Shree’ Young, Town Clerk